It's been just a while since Google announced the latest version of Android named as Oreo and it has already taken the world on a troll. Android Oreo is out with new, extravagant features. It is smarter, faster, and more powerful than ever as declared by Google. All the eyes are glued on Android Oreo while people are fervently waiting to get the hands-on experience and feel the richness of this new release. However, if your device already runs the Android Beta Program, you would probably get to experience the final version soon as announced by Google.
No wonder, Google handsets like Nexus 5X and 6P, and Pixel will be the first smartphones to be rolled out with the latest version, however, rest of the companies will receive the updates soon. While the companies have not announced any official date of shipping their devices with the upgrade, they are certainly in the process of acquiring the version and implement it in the upcoming products. Let's check out what the tech giants have to say about the new release, what to expect, and when will they be surprising their customers.
Sony– The company is not yet out with any official statement on when will they be upgrading their Xperia handsets, however, it is likely that Xperia X, XZ and XA will receive the first updates.
Samsung– The company is already in the news with the launch of its latest, happening smartphone Samsung S8 and soon-to-be-launched S8 Note, it seems these phones will be the first ones to implement Android Oreo.
OnePlus– While this is one of the companies who have made early announcements on Android Oreo, OnePlus will certainly be arriving with the latest upgrade on its handsets 3 and 3T this year while OnePlus 5 will be receiving one later around the same time.
Motorola– As per a statement released by the company, they are likely to implement the upgrade in their devices once the full version of Android Oreo is out. They would, henceforth, be implementing the new code and ensure the performance of their handsets is enhanced.
HTC– A spokesperson from the company confirmed that the U11 would ultimately be getting the first update, though, there's no official date to that.
BlackBerry– A spokesperson for BlackBerry announced that BlackBerry KEYone will be the foremost to receive the update, but again no official timing announced.
Android Oreo is a comprehensive OS developed by Google which is 2x faster. It has brought along an array of exotic features like Background limits, Autofill, Picture-in-Picture, Notification Dots, Android Instant Apps, Google Play Protect, Redesigned Emoji Set, Wi-Fi Assistant, Tooltips, and Notification snoozing among others.
Meanwhile, the users of Android phones could grab a look of the features on Google Android website and keep waiting until the manufacturer of your device rolls out the fascinating version on your device.
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